Cashback always confused me as a child; I just couldn't understand how after traipsing around Tesco's with mother for what felt like hours during the weekly Thursday shop, the checkout lady would give her money back?! I thought it was magic. However in the cold, sobering light of adulthood, I discovered it to be just another way to extract more money from your account if you're too lazy to walk to the cashpoint. Brenda from checkout 2 was not in fact the money fairy, but just your standard till operator.
So you can imagine my delight when I stumbled across this website in my quest to achieve sumptuous style on a shoestring budget: offers you cash back on online purchases provided you go through the topcashback website. For example if you shop at you can get 12% of your total spend back.
Check out this gorgeous Black Swan inspired asymmetric micro dress at:
Cashback which actually does what it says on the can you resist?
Check out this gorgeous Black Swan inspired asymmetric micro dress at:
Cashback which actually does what it says on the can you resist?
Love that dress, unfortunately I don't have the knees for it, but I love it!